በስመ አብ ወወልድ ወመንፈስ ቅዱስ አሐዱ አምላክ አሜን
Gnostic Satanism and its Influence over the Mass Medias - Part 2
religion of the secret፦
One of the most revealing information regarding the Gnostics
came long after they were formally dead and buried – in the mid-20th
century (some 1800 years after their supposed ‘disappearance’, that is).
One ordinary summer morning of … in Middle East in a place
nicknamed Qumran there were found several old parchments which were
subsequently named the Dead Sea scrolls. Amongst the scrolls a large collection
of Gnostic writings were found which were known as the nag hammadi library. It
was among these writings that was found what was to be the most shocking
revelations that shed some light into the real nature of the long time
arch-enemy of Christianity… the document related to the Hypostasis myth.
Hypostasis myth – Genesis upside down
“… it is neither God the
Imperishable nor Sophia who actually is responsible in the making of man. On
the contrary, the task is undertaken by the archons, the demonic powers who,
because of their "weakness," entrap man in a material body and thus
cut him off from his blessed origin. They place him in paradise and enjoin him
against eating of the tree of knowledge. The prohibition, however, is viewed by
the author of the text not as a holy command but as a malignant effort on the
part of the inferior spirits to prevent Adam from having true communion with
the High God, from gaining authentic gnosis.”
“(በግኖስቲኮች አመለካከት)… የማያልፈው አምላክ አልያም ሶፊያ(ጥበብ) የተሰኘችው አምላክ
በሰው መፈጠር ሂደት ምንም ሚና አልነበራቸውም፡፡ ሰውን የፈጠሩት እነሱ ሳይሆኑ አርኮን የተባሉ የአጋንንት አበጋዞች እንደሆኑና
ከ‹ደካማነታቸው› የተነሳ ሰውን በግኡዝ ሰውነት ውስጥ አስረው ከእውነተኛው ማንነቱ ሊያቆራርጡት በቁ፡፡ ገነት ውስጥ ካኖሩት በኋላም
ከእውቀት ዛፍ እንዳይበላ አዘዙት፡፡ የ(ግኖስቲክ) ጽሑፉ ደራሲ ታዲያ ይህ እገዳ የተቀደሰ ትእዛዝ ሳይሆን እነዚህ ዝቅተኛ መናፍስት
አዳም ትክክለኛ እውቀት (ግኖሲስ) ጨብጦ ከእውነተኛው አምላክ ጋር አንድነት እንዳይኖረው የወጠኑት ሴራ እንደሆነ አድርጎ ነው፡፡”
(Raschke, 1980)
Moreover, the myth goes on to define God as an inferior
deity and a ruthless tyrant who unceasingly demands obedience. As for the
serpent/Satan who is considered by Christians the tempter who brought about our
downfall? Well he is ridiculously portrayed as THE superior god AND savior OF
Bizarre/weird isn’t it? Well, you see, according to these
heretics the serpent did not lie to Adam and Eve when he told them they would
not die and that they would be as gods. These people actually believe that the
snake was giving Adam and Eve the wisdom that would set them free from
‘enslavement’ under the rule of God.
God of Genesis, who comes to
reprimand Adam and Eve after their transgression, is rudely caricatured in this
tale as the "Arrogant archon" who opposes the will of the authentic
heavenly father.”
በአጭሩ … በዚህ የክህደት ትምህርት መሰረት… ቸርነትና ምህረቱ የበዛ አምላክ ‘ምህረት የለሽና ጨካኝ’ … ለሁሉ ብርሃን
የሆነው ጌታ ‘የሰው ልጆችን በሕግ አስሮ በጨለማ የተወ’ … ተደርጎ ሲቆጠር … የሀሰት አባቷ ዲያቢሎስ ደግሞ ‘የሰው ልጆችን ከኋላቀርነት
ወደ ስልጣኔ የሚወስዳቸውን ጥበብ እንደሰጠ’ ተደርጎ ይወሰዳል … ይህም ብቻ ያይደለ … ‘የሰው ልጅ … ይህን … ዕፀ በለስን በመብላት
አምሳል ተከልክሎት የቆየውንና ከዲያቢሎስ ያገኘውን ጥበብ በመጠቀም … ከአምላክ አምባገነናዊ አገዛዝ ነጻ ይወጣል … አምላክነት
ያገኛል … ሞትንም አያይም’ ተብሎ ይታመናል
Consequently, the Gnostics believe that Satan by
deliberately disobeying God to give us forbidden wisdom, he chose to receive
punishment on our behalf and thus he is the Savior of humanity. They
blasphemously conclude that one of the reasons the devil suffers eternal
torment in Hell is for giving us forbidden knowledge. Hence, these dark souls,
by intentionally depicting God as bad and Satan as good, clearly reveal who
they really worship – Obviously the devil/Satan.
But they do not address him as Satan or the Devil. Since the
term Satan means adversary/enemy, they do not agree that such a name befits
him. They even condemn the Christians for giving him that name. Instead they
address him by the name he had been called before he fell – Lucifer. The name
Lucifer which in Latin means light
bearer was used on the English Bible (King James version) on Isaiah 14: 12-15
art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning!(how) art thou cut
down to the ground, didst weaken the nations! For thou hast said in thine
heart, Iwill ascend in to heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of
God: I will sit also up on the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the
north: I will ascend above the heights of the clouds, I will be like the most
High. Yet thou shalt be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit.”
“አንተ የንጋት ልጅ አጥቢያ ኮከብ
ሆይ እንዴት ከሰማይ ወደቅህ! አንተ ቀድሞ መንግስታትን ያዋረድህ እንዴት ወደ ምድር ተጣልህ! በልብህም እንዲህ አልህ ‘ወደ ሰማይ
አርጋለሁ ዙፋኔንም ከእግዚአብሔር ከዋክብት በላይ ከፍ አደርጋለሁ በተራራው መሰብሰቢያ በተቀደሰውም ተራራ ከፍታ ላይ በዙፋኔ እቀመጣለሁ
ከደመናዎችም ከፍታ በላይ አርጋለሁ ራሴንም እንደ ልዑል አደርጋለሁ’ ነገር ግን ወደ ሲኦል ወደ ጥልቁም ጉድጓድ ወርደሃል”
በግልፅ ለማሳየት እንደሞከርነው ግኖስቲኮች ዲያቢሎስንና ዲያቢሎስ የቆመለትን ርኩሰት ሁሉ የሚያመልኩ ሲሆን … ነገረ ድኅነትን መካዳቸው
… የክርስትናን አስተምህሮዎች ማርከሳቸው … እና ቅዱስና ንጹህ የሆነውን ሁሉ መጥላታቸው … በተቃራኒው ደግሞ ርካሽ በሆነው ነገር
ሁሉ መሳተፋቸው (እንዲያም ሲል በደል የሆነውን ሁሉ ህግ አድርገው መቀበላቸው) … ይህንኑ ሀቅ የሚያስረግጥ አስረጅ ነው
እፎ እንከ ፈድፋደ ይደልዎ ይትኮነን ዘተካየዶ ለወልደ እግዚአብሔር ወአርኮሰ ደመ ሥርዓት ዘቦቱ
ተቀደሰ ከመ ደመ ኩሉ ሰብእ ወዘጸዐለ መንፈሰ ጸጋሁ …
… የእግዚአብሔርን ልጅ የካደ ያንንም የተቀደሰበትን የኪዳኑን ደም እንደ ርኩስ ነገር የቆጠረ
የጸጋውንም መንፈስ ያክፋፋ እንዴት ይልቅ የሚብስ ቅጣት የሚገባው ይመስላችኋል?”
ዕብ 10፦29
This chilling fact is exposed by yet another eye opening
book you certainly won’t find on a public library:-
Occultism, as has been said before, is therefore not a novelty, but it bore a
different name in the early days of Christianity. It was called Gnosticism and
its founder was Simon the Magician. The Gnostics were not ordinary heretics but
constituted an anti-christian sect. To deceive the multitude,” they affected disagreement
with certain doctrines of the Apostles, and the chiefs selected from among the
initiates those destined to receive, in secret council, the Satanic revelation.
Gnosticism is marked with the seal of Lucifer. It is contemporary with the
Apostle Peter and has continued, without interruption, down to the present day,
periodically changing its mask.”
“ድብቁ የሉሲፈር(ዲያቢሎስ) አምልኮ አዲስ (ሐይማኖት) አይደለም፤ በመጀመሪያዎቹ
የክርስትና ቀናት በሌላ ስያሜ ይታወቅ ነበር፡፡ ያኔ ግኖስቲሲዝም ይባል የነበረ ሲሆን መስራቹም አስማተኛው ስምኦን ነበር፡፡ ግኖስቲኮች
ተራ መናፍቃን ሳይሆኑ የተደራጁ ጸረ-ክርስቲያን ቡድን ነበሩ፡፡ ሕዝቡን ግን ለማታለል ከሐዋርያት ጋር በአንዳንድ አስተምሕሮዎች
ብቻ የሚለያዩ መስለው ይቀርቡ ነበር፤ አለቆቻቸውም በድብቅ ሰይጣናዊውን ትምህርታቸውን ሊገልጡላቸው የወደዷቸውን ሰዎች ከጀማሪ አማኞቻቸው
መካከል ይመርጡ ነበር፡፡ግኖስቲሲዝም በሉሲፈር (ሰይጣን) ማሕተም የታተመ ነው፡፡ በየጊዜው ጭምብሉን ቢቀያይርም ከቅዱስ ጴጥሮስ
ጊዜ አንስቶ ሳይቋረጥ እስከአሁን ድረስ ሊቀጥል በቅቷል፡፡” (Miller, 1933, p. 33)
Read this quote again and take a moment for this shocking
revelation to sink in…
ምን ለማለት ነው? … በሐዋርያት ዘመን ዲያቢሎስን የሚያመልክና ክርስትናን ለማጥፋት ቁርጥ ውሳኔ የነበረው ቡድን ነበር
… ይህ ቡድን የክርስትና መሰረተ እምነትን ለመለወጥና ለማራከስ በሚያደርገው ሙከራ … ተመሳሳይ የሀሰት ወንጌላትንና መልዕክታትን
ያዘጋጅ ነበር … በኋላ ጊዜም በግኖስቲክነታቸው የተጋለጡ “ክርስቲያኖች”ን ስንመለከት … እንዲያው እንዲሁ የክርስቶስን ወንጌል
ባለመረዳት አልያም በሌሎች በመታለል ግኖስቲክ የሆኑ ሳይሆኑ የበግ ለምድ ለብሰው ሲንቀሳቀሱ የነበሩ ተኩላዎች … የዲያቢሎስን ፈቃድ
ለመፈፀም … ይኸውም … እውነተኛ መዳን የሚገኝባትንና የማታልፈውን መንግስት የምታስሸልመውን ብቸኛ መንገድ ለማጥፋት … ሲያሴሩ
የነበሩ ነጣቂዎች ነበሩ …
The Gnostics did not perish፦
“Gnostic ideas became
influential in the philosophies of various esoteric mystical movements of the late 19th and 20th centuries in Europe and North America,
including some that explicitly identify themselves as revivals or even
continuations of earlier Gnostic groups.”
“ግኖስቲካዊ አመለካከቶች
በኋለኞቹ የ19ኛ እና በመጀመሪያዎቹ የ20ኛው መ.ከ.ዘ. ዓመታት በአውሮፓና በሰሜን አሜሪካ ይካሄዱ በነበሩ ሕቡእ ፍልስፍናዊና
መናፍስታዊ እንቅስቃሴዎች ላይ ተጽእኖ ማሳደር ችለው ነበር፤ ከነዚህ (እንቅስቃሴዎች) መካከል የተወሰኑቱ በግልጽ ራሳቸውን የቀደምቶቹን
ግኖስቲኮች እምነት እንዳነገቡ ያምናሉ፤ አንዳነዶቹ እንዳውም ቅጥያዎች እንደሆኑ በግልጽ ይመሰክራሉ፡፡”
Wikipedia, Gnosticism
The beginning of the 20th century has witnessed an
unprecedented explosion of witchcraft, Satanism and all forms of pagan
occultism. This did not come by surprise; nor did it happen overnight. The
French Revolution which took place in 1789 had already signaled the end of
Roman Catholic (papal) dominance and heralded an era of pagan revival. These
two things did not happen by coincidence. On the contrary, informed scholars
know that for almost a millennium and half Gnostics had been scheming for the
downfall of the very institution that drove them into hiding – The Christian
ምንም እንኳን … የግኖስቲክ አስተምህሮ በብዙዎች ዘንድ ከምድረ ገፅ እንደጠፋ አልያም እዚህ ግባ ሊባል የሚችል ተፅዕኖ
ለማሳደር አቅሙን ያጣ ተደርጎ ቢታሰብም … የተለያየ መልክና ገፅታ በመያዝ በአውሮፓ ምሁራንና የንጉሳውያን ክበብ ውስጥ በሚገኙ
አካላት ዘንድ በስፋት ሲቀነቀንና እንደ በረሃ እሳት አድማሱን በማስፋት በስኬታቸው አንቱታን ያገኙ የከፍተኛ ትምህርት ተቋማትንና
የተለያዩ የማህበራዊ አገልግሎት መስጫዎችን ሲቆጣጠር ነበር … በተለይም በ18ኛው መ.ክ.ዘ. አጋማሽ … አረማዊነትን ከወደቀበት
ለማንሳት በግልፅ ሊባል በሚችል ደረጃ ሲሰሩ የነበሩ ምስጢራዊ ማህበራት ቀድሞ የነበረውን ክርስቲያናዊ አኗኗር የማጥፋት ተግባራቸውን
ቀስ በቀስ ያጠነከሩ ሲሆን … በዚህም … ኋላ በአውሮፓና በተቀረው አለም ለተካሄዱ አብዮቶች እንደ ብሉ ፕሪንት ያገለገለውን የፈረንሳይ
አብዮት በተሳካ ሁኔታ ማካሄድ ችለዋል …
And true to its aim the French Revolution succeeded in
separating Church from State (a totally unheard of matter in Europe until then)
and put all religions under equal footing (including Christianity). Religious
indifferentism had blown the gate wide open and it did not take long for moral
relativism and nihilism to sneak in and subsequently Atheism gained the upper
The age of Reason was heralded and for the first time since
the reign of Christianity begun, Man became the measure of all things (instead
of God). God had been dethroned and Man put his own image up for worship. Other
nations followed suit. And with the power of the Roman Catholic church - which
has hunted and persecuted them throughout the middle ages – severely weakened,
these heretics dared to show their true faces for the first time.
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