
Tuesday, July 17, 2012

The Matrix Trilogy: an esoteric analysis – Part 2

በስመ አብ ወወልድ ወመንፈስ ቅዱስ አሐዱ አምላክ አሜን

The Matrix Trilogy: an esoteric analysis – Part 2

·  Then there was a knock at the door … ቾይ (CHOI) የተባለ ጓደኛው (ደንበኛው) እና ትከሻዋ ላይ የጥንቸል ምስል የተነቀሰች ሴት ጓደኛው (DuJour) ነበሩ

·  THOMAS: Who is it?
·   CHOI: It's Choi.
·   THOMAS: You're two hours late.
·   CHOI: I know. It's her fault.
·   THOMAS: You got the money?
·   CHOI: Two grand.
·   THOMAS: Hold on.
·  CHOI: Hallelujah! You're my savior, man! My own personal Jesus Christ!
·   THOMAS: If you get caught using that...
·   CHOI: I know, I know. This never happened. You don't exist

Choi is a French word for choice. And his partner/girlfriend’s name DuJour (in French) means ‘of the day’. So collectively these two stand for ‘choice of the day.’ Apparently the most important ‘choice of the day’ is standing at the door of Neo. And strangely the door of Neo has the number 101 stamped on it. This number is a reference to George Orwell’s book 1984 where a room with the same number features. Hence the movie is informing us that Neo is living in highly monitored big brother type authoritarian society. It is also telling us that Neo is the one (101 being an anagram of one)…

·  So choice of the day is late! - In fact two hours late. That’s the first thing Neo says… following the Gnostic theme this makes great sense. The Gnostics sought a hero (a Gnostic Christ/ an Antichrist) that would vanquish the enemy (i.e. Christianity) right from the inception of Christianity during the time of St. Paul. There is historical evidence which shows that they intended a certain Appolynius of Tyrana, born in AD 16, to be this Antichrist but failed. From then on several want-to-be (wannabe) Antichrists have come down throughout history but failed to deliver. Among these the Merovingians (one time monarchs of France and a significant part of Europe) were the most potent candidates. However these also failed and the Roman Catholic Church deposed of these heretics and instituted Charlemagne. Not surprisingly the Merovingians are represented in the movie, The Matrix, and right on the room where the Merovingian (an older fellow not unlike Neo with a distinctly French undertone reminding the audience that the Merovingians were French) appears, there is the number four 101 relating that the merovingain was somehow supposed to have been the one but didn’t make it –some kind of a failed messiah. Persephone, the wife of the Merovingian, even claims at one point that her husband was more like Neo at one time but his love faded as years went by … she even demands a kiss from Neo to hand the KEY MAKER (then held hostage by the Merovingian)…

· Persephone: If you want the Keymaker, follow me. [to man in washroom] Get out! I'm so sick of his bullshit. On and on, pompous prick. A long time ago, when we first came here, it was so different. He was so different. He was like you. I'll give you what you want. But you have to give me something.
·  Neo: What?
·  Persephone: A kiss.
·  Trinity: Excuse me?
·  Persephone: I want you to kiss me as if you were kissing her.
·  Neo: Why?

·  Persephone: You love her. She loves you. It's all over you both. A long time ago, I knew what that felt like. I want to remember it. I want to sample it. That's all, just a sample.

·   This could imply the Anti-Christ needs to get the kiss of approval from/or obtain a hereditary linage from/ the hierarchy which claims blood linage form Mary Magdalene in order to succeed in opening all the doors and ascend into his throne. By the way Persephone represents Mary Magdalene/the great whore of Babylon as well/ (it is no accident that Monica Belucci, who played the role of Persephone in The Matrix soon played the role of Mary Magdalene in the movie The Passion of The Christ) and she was portrayed as the wife of the Merovingian because the Merovingians in actuality had portrayed themselves as the descendants of the purported children of Lord Jesus Christ (ሎቱ ስብሐት) and Mary Magdalene.

·  Now where were we? Yes, the Gnostic Christ potentials… By the way on every generation the Gnostics have sought this hero and equip him to attain the powers sufficient enough to upset universal balance and defeat the Heavenly powers. According to Gnostic tradition there are a lot of potentials that could fill the vacancy of the Antichrist; but these potentials have to undergo some type of cleansing through self awareness to undertake the necessary transformation from being a potential to the finished product… that is why the oracle tells Neo that he has the potential but is waiting for something (i.e may turn out to be another failed messiah or may succeed in becoming the one – she is not sure)…

· Oracle: Not too bright, though. You know why Morpheus brought you to see me? So, what do you think? You think you’re the one?
·  Neo: Honestly, I don’t know.
· Oracle: You know what that means? It’s Latin. Means ‘Know Thyself’. … Being the one is just like being in love. No one can tell you you’re in love, you just know it. Through and through. … say ahh.
·  Neo: Ahhh.
·  Oracle: Okey. Now I’m supposed to say …
·  Neo: But what?
· Oracle: But you already know what I’m going to tell you.
·  Neo:I’m not the One.
· Oracle: Sorry kid. You got the gift, but it looks like you’re waiting for something.
·  Neo: What?
·  Oracle: Your next life maybe, who knows?

·       And they have to do it at the right age. That is why Neo sees a lot of kids with psychic powers at the oracles place. (by the way strangely all these potentials were kids and more strikingly Morpheus tells Neo somewhere that he was too old for being initiated and that initiation has to occur at a certain age limit (childhood); once a mind passes that age limit they won’t awaken/initiate him… No wonder except Neo in almost all the other movies the position of the Anti-Christ is filled by children and semi-adolescents… Harry Potter, Alice in Wonderland, Wizard of Oz, Terminator, Transformers. Add to that the fact that Aleister Crawley became initiated/possessed at the age of 11 – the age of Harry Potter. Remember Crawley viewed/expected himself to be the Beast/Anti-Christ. Hence they must be seeking to initiate the right potential at this particular age…

· So the whole point is although the Gnostics have been expecting the Anti-Christ for two millennia he didn’t turn up or rather fate (symbolized by choice of the day) didn’t anoint him till now. So fate is late. How late? 2000 years late. And how long did neo claim Choi and duJour were late? 2 hours. Could the 2 hours he mentioned be a veiled allegory to the fact that the emergence of the Antichrist is 2000+ years late (after all 2 hours could mean 2000 years)? This suspicion is soon to be confirmed.

· What does CHOI respond? It’s her fault. Whose fault? DeJour’s fault. DeJour (of the day) represents time. So CHOI is saying I wasn’t able to come because the time wasn’t comfortable/appropriate- meaning there were obstacles during the other days he tried. Again if you consider the Gnostic-Christian battle that has been going on for the past 2 thousand years this makes a lot of sense. The Roman Catholic Church has especially been hunting down heretics and Satanists for the majority of the last two thousand years so it was very difficult for the Gnostics/Satanists to resurface let alone defeat Christianity. They have only managed to gain a foothold and take the upper hand after they succeeded in weakening The Roman Church through infiltration and subversion and deposing all the kings who were in allegiance with the Roman Pope. So the day wasn’t right until… the year 2000. How do we know it is the year 2000? Because when Neo asks for the money CHOI gives him 2 grand (2 thousand)!!! So Choice/Fate is handing the AntiChirst the year 2 thousand-and-after saying this is your time to reign. And as one dips himself more into the myth surrounding the Gnostic tradition of the age two thousand, things start to get even weirder…

· According to occult/Gnostic tradition the past two thousand years are astrologically associated with the age of Pisces. And Pisces (fish), they claim, is the symbol of Christianity. (Apparently the fact of Christianity being associated with fish has some degree of truth since during the early times Christians used the symbol of fish to describe their faith). Moreover they claim that the year two thousand signals the passing of the age of Pisces and the beginning of the age of Aquarius (water) representing new age religion. Thus they are implying that after the year two thousand the Christian religion will fall out of favor/disappear and in its place the New Age religion – the religion of the Anti-Christ (which is nothing but the revival of the ancient pagan/Gnostic religion) will begin. Hence, taking this into consideration the handing of CHOI two thousand dollars to Neo (the messiah of the Matrix) is highly meaningful.

· Then CHOI follows this dialogue up with two informative phrases that reveal the person whom we are dealing with.

CHOI: Hallelujah! You're my savior, man! My own personal Jesus Christ!... I know, I know. This never happened. You don't exist

He is saying Neo is his savior… not exactly Jesus Christ but somehow like Him… a kind of personal favorite… so who is the messiah who is not Jesus Christ himself but who resembles Him and fool humanity into believing he is the one?... the Anti-Christ!!! Then CHOI adds another clue (as if this was not enough) by saying … ‘You don’t exist’ (meaning 'we will keep this meeting a secret'). This implies unlike our Lord Jesus Christ who preached in broad daylight in front of the Pharisees who sought to crucify Him, Neo (the image of the Anti-Christ) sells/disseminates his venomous heresies hidden from public view… in the dark… mainly through books… what kind of books? Books preaching Nihilism (Baudrillard's Simulacra and Simulations) – a philosophy which preaches the rejection of religious and moral principles in the belief that life is meaningless - isn’t this a chilling description of how today’s generation largely feels?… does this mean the devil/Anti-Christ has succeeded in injecting his venom into the heart of humanity and is almost ready to show himself up in public to demand worship? Seems the hour is really close…

·     In the middle of his conversation with CHOI, Neo starts to feel uncertain whether he is still dreaming or awake – which is the whole theme of the first movie – The Matrix. Let’s go through their conversations…

· CHOI: Something wrong, man? You look a little whiter than usual.
· THOMAS: My computer...You ever have the feeling that you're not sure if you're awake or still dreaming?
· CHOI: All the time. It's called mescaline. It's the only way to fly. It sounds to me like you need to unplug, man. A little R and R. What do you think, Dujour, should we take him with us?
·  DUJOUR: Definitely
·  THOMAS: I can't. I have to work tomorrow.
·  DUJOUR: Come on. It'll be fun. I promise.
(He notices her tattoo -- a small white rabbit.)
·  THOMAS: Yeah. Sure, I'll go.

·  So what does CHOI advise Neo – to unplug (withdraw from the present reality) with the assistance of drugs/hallucinogens (Mescaline, R&R). Neo responds that he can’t… because he has to work tomorrow!!! The moral issue involved in using drugs (and the fact that this scene encourages the audience – a significant majority of whom are adolescents by the way – to consume drugs and hallucinogens) is entirely overlooked which reinforces the fact that Neo is not a Christian Messiah but a Gnostic one… Wrong deeds/sin and its consequences are taken as irrelevant and the malady of humanity is consistently presented throughout the movie as ignorance. But more importantly, Neo notices the tattoo on DuJour and decides to… follow the white rabbit. What are the underlying philosophical issues here?
  • As Alice did in Alice in Wonderland, Neo followed the rabbit (Dujour), which implies he went DOWN the rabbit hole. Christian mystics and saints also transcend reality and experience supernatural phenomena; but they do not tumble down through a hole… they ASCEND UPWARDS to the Heavens; there is a profound difference in the symbolic implications of going down a path… and moving up a path; in fact these choices are exact opposites. When we take into account the fact that in both western and eastern Christian traditions Hell is located down below the earth (at the center of the earth), then the true message of fairytales and Sci-Fi’s which present the road down a hole as a path to salvation start to become chillingly clear. They are celebrating darkness, hell, the left hand path and other similar themes because they are inherently initiating their audience to Satanism; presenting it as noble and correspondingly desecrating holiness and everything that represents it as evil. Now the true reason why Zion, in The Matrix, is located at the center of the earth will come rushing into our mind – It does not represent Heaven (the spiritual Zion of the bible) but it’s opposite … Where do you think is a place that’s near the center of the earth and where it’s still warm? እሳቱ የማይጠፋ ትሉ የማያንቀላፋ? Ring a bell? Of course it’s Hell! What else would it be?  It’s Inverted Hermeneutics (the science of inverting evil for good and good for evil) all over!!!
  • Tank: Me and my brother Dozer, we’re both 100% pure, old fashioned, home grown, human born free right here, in the real world, genuine child of Zion.
     Neo: Zion?
    Tank: If the war was over tomorrow, Zion is where the party will be.
    Neo: It’s a city...
    Tank: The last human city; the only place we have left;
    Neo: Where is it?  
    Tank: Underground, near the Earth’s core, where it’s still warm

  • In addition, please note that Zion is presented as the ultimate party place (“If the war was over tomorrow, Zion is where the party will be”); dark, and a place where pagan and primitive looking people (the supposedly freed ex-slaves) undertake mass orgies while the heroes (Trinity and Neo) engage in ritual sex in the back yard. Does it sound similar to the Zion mentioned in the bible? It is its exact opposite!
  • Similarly, on the scene in Anderson’s (Neo’s) cubicle/office where Morpheus tries to guide Neo out of the hands of his pursuers – the Agents – and away to his liberty… he signals another reference to the path of Satanism. For those who have some understanding of the occult/witchcraft, the downward path to Hell, The Left hand path, symbols depicting goats instead of sheep all reveal a satanic teaching wherein it is taught that rejecting the path of righteousness and consciously choosing hell and everything associated with it (and in the meantime desecrating and defiling every Christian symbol – The cross, holy names, images of Saints, and the like) is considered highly meritorious and a path that will lead one to freedom and godhood. So how could Neo escape from the Agents and achieve his salvation? According to Morpheus, it is by CHOOSING HIS LEFT AND EXITING through a window (a window here signifies a place of escape from a perceived prison-like environment):

·  Morpheus: We don’t have time, Neo. To your left there’s a window. Go to it. Open it. You can use the scaffold to get to the roof.
·  Neo: No way. No way. This is crazy.
· Morpheus: There are two ways out of this building. One is that scaffold, the other is in their custody. You take a chance either way. I leave it to you.
·  Neo: This is insane. Why is this happening to me? What did I do? I’m gonna die. Shit. I can’t do this.
  • Moreover, throughout the movie there are consistent references to the use of drugs (Mescaline, blue pill, red pill, etc) to facilitate escapism from the present reality and down to the dark illusion they wrongly call true freedom. This, together with all the other mentioned clues, is sufficient evidence that recalls Satanic/Luciferian initiatory rituals where the use of drugs is vital. In these circles the term ‘the white rabbit’ or ‘white queen’ itself means heroin.
  • And if you have noticed Neo is presented with two pills: red and blue. And the blue pill is cleverly presented as the path of oblivion/ignorance (thus a color to be shunned) while the red pill is favorably shown as a path if accepted (through the act of swallowing) would take the initiate down the path of salvation, freedom and godhood. Again taking into consideration the strong Gnostic overtones of the movie and the fact that such movies put special attention to details such as color, name, and numerical attributes, the use of red-blue symbolism is strikingly informative. Blue represents the heavens (the color of the sky; strongly used in Christian symbolism where Saints are pictured wearing blue garments signifying their heavenly attachment…), while Red represents Hell (the color of fire/inferno)… so blue is de-emphasized, belittled and compared to ignorance and the audience is manipulated in such a way that it would feel negative emotions towards the color blue and everything it stands for…
  • Moving over from overt symbols observed in the movie, if we investigate the inherent theme it teaches to the audience, we discover its veiled effort to attack the foundations upon which Christianity is built. To a Christian it is undoubtedly evident that salvation is to be found through unconditional submission to the Will of God/embrace once Fate/. This central teaching in Christian doctrine of Salvation is highlighted in Jesus’ acts prior and during the Passion on the Cross wherein He manifests UNCONDITIONAL SUBMISSION and OBEDIENCE to the Will of His Father going as far as drinking the cup of misery and crucifixion saying: "አባት ሆይ የሚቻልስ ከሆነ ይህች ፅዋ ከኔ ትለፍ ነገር ግን ፈቃድህ ይሁን እንጅ የእኔ ፈቃድ አይደለም" ማቴ 26፦39 ... Notice this doctrine of salvation through obedience being trampled and violated in the dialogue between Neo and Morpheus:
· Morpheus: I can see it in your eyes … Do you believe in fate, Neo?
·  Neo: No.
·  Morpheus: Why not?
·  Neo: Because I don’t like the idea that I’m not in control of my life.
·  Morpheus: I know exactly what you mean.
· There you have it. Neo rejects fate/God’s will because he wants to be in charge (in control) of his life. It has the words of rebellion written all over it. If Neo is a Messiah, he indeed is not a Christian Messiah; because Christ (the true messiah) did not teach rebellion but through His life has shown us the path of ultimate submission. So in whose image is Neo portrayed? - undoubtedly after the false Christ ... the Anti-Christ.

አባት ሆይ የሚቻልስ ከሆነ ይህች ፅዋ ከኔ ትለፍ ነገር ግን ፈቃድህ ይሁን እንጅ የእኔ ፈቃድ አይደለም” ማቴ 26፦39
·  And after all, this is not at all surprising considering where Neo resides… in a ship called … Nebuchadnezzar (ናቡከደነጾር)!!! (Who is Nebuchadnezzar in the Book of Daniel? … the conqueror of Judah, destroyer of Jerusalem (also called Zion); he who burned down God’s temple, and enslaved descendants/people of Israel/Judah. Could anything possessing such a horrible set of deeds on its Cv. possibly be a defender of liberty and the protector of Zion? More importantly, could anybody residing in such an entity which stands in direct contrast to the way of God be anything other than the Anti-Christ? Definitely not! Neo’s last words in the first part of the movie serve to dissolve our doubts and fully confirm our suspicions regarding the fact that he is the Anti-Christ:

Neo(on the phone) … I know you're out there. I can feel you now. I know that you're afraid. You're afraid of us. You're afraid of change. I don't know the future. I didn't come here to tell you how this is going to end. I came here to tell you how it's going to begin. I'm going to hang up this phone and then I'm going to show these people what you don't want them to see. I'm going to show them a world without you, a world without rules and controls, without borders or boundaries, a world where anything is possible. Where we go from there, is a choice I leave to you...

·  Now bear in mind that Neo is talking to the Architect (the representation of Almighty God of the bible)… and read the script again…

Neo: I know you're out there. I can feel you now. I know that you're afraid [who is afraid? – the Architect/God]. You're afraid of us [Afraid of whom – the devil, the beast/the Anti-Chirst,  the false prophet and the countless army of men that they command]. You're afraid of change. I don't know the future. I didn't come here to tell you how this is going to end. I came here to tell you how it's going to begin [what is going to begin? – the era of the Anti-Christ]. I'm going to hang up this phone and then I'm going to show these people what you don't want them to see [he is going to show these people things which God doesn’t want them to see; what kind of things?]. I'm going to show them a world without you, a world without rules and controls, without borders or boundaries, a world where anything is possible. Where we go from there, is a choice I leave to you...

· In contrast to Lord Jesus Christ who came to fulfill and perfect the law, this dude came here to teach the people to rebel against God’s commandments, … and even more frighteningly, he informs us his ultimate plans… a world without God! Needless to say, from his hair to his feet (literally) and everything he wears in between, this guy (Neo) is the representation of the Anti-Christ!

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